The Asymmetry of the Holon Governs Chaos

Jesus Helguera‘s vision
of the solar power

If you use the phrase asymmetrical warfare, people think of guile, cunning, violence, and even brutality. It is also supposed to be opposed to symmetry, and is the exclusive province of terrorists, radicals, rebels, and other scoff-laws. To listen to the talking heads, it is either a gigantic mystery which only dark geniuses like Nathan Bedford Forrest or Ho Chi Minh understand, or something which the Army can simply manufacture on command, according to modular learning in their trained killers, like a Psy-Ops.

What is poorly understood is that war itself (insofar as it is prosecuted with vigor and intensity) is inherently asymmetrical. There is not a soldier alive, who has survived more than 3 weeks on the ground in a combat zone, who doesn’t feel this in his bones. After perusing an army resource, a candid appraisal would conclude that all conflicts are dominated by asymmetry, with symmetry being the exception rather than the rule. War is the ultima ratio (regum), which is the final appeal to reason, in that one side determines that potential death and suffering are more attractive than the alternative. If one sides appeals to arms, it unilaterally is an armed conflict – if one side excels at asymmetry (ie., are serious about winning), it is an asymmetric armed conflict. But really, the adjective terms are virtually synonymous with conflict itself: it’s merely a difference in intensity. And although wars are often fought today without bullets, with ideas and words, this itself is asymmetrical. The abandonment and demonization of open warfare is itself an asymmetry.  Yet this is consistent with Tradition too. Symmetrical warfare is the exception to the rule; conflicts are often won or lost spiritually first, & even physical conflicts often turn on unlikely combinations of surprise, daring, or audacity.

Why is this, & why do men have such trouble seeing it clearly? Why do they temporize with something that they know is engaged in struggle against them?

War may be the most conservative of human activities or states.

An increasingly technological future battlefield envisaged in current defense guidance appears to present more opportunities to both achieve surprise and to be surprised.[30] What does not appear likely to change is the human element and its susceptibility to surprise and shock. As Hart observes, “Human nature…changes but slowly, if at all; and human nature under stress of danger, not at all.”[31] Given that warfare is ultimately a human activity, irrespective of changes in the character of war, surprise and shock will remain consistent factors of conflict.

Increased technology has not diminished the innate conservatism of the warrior, but rather enhanced it. It is now possible for the well equipped & well trained warrior to expect not merely victory, but in some cases, lack of scathing. Yet this can occur at either end of the obvious symmetry-asymmetry pole: terrain, weather, or simple ignorance can transform humble earth forces into the solar pole and lead to unlikely and unexpected outcomes. Symmetry and asymmetry are not in the obvious conflict one might suppose. This is because the line between good and evil is drawn through the human heart, so we have to dig deeper.

Amin Maalouf argues in The Crusades Through Arab Eyes that it was the “Franks” who won the Crusades in the long run, despite their greed and stupidity in the Levantine political states, since the cultural influence of the war enriched Europe and traumatized the Arab region. In a similar vein the Templars were liquidated, but arguably prevailed culturally in the imagination and in folklore. Why are “Things in the world” not so obvious as we wish them to be?

This essay is a preliminary sketch of the answer.

Most men have three moods: mad, sad, and glad. They lack the inner self knowledge and clean conscience that would allow them to distinguish the entire range or palate of emotion, which can enter very subtle states (implying integration with the Anima). Someone who has integrated their Shadow and Anima, or is in the process (do you pay attention to dreams,  not necessarily as oracles, but as riddles?), has a sure touch that will allow him to steer between Skylla and Charybdis. He doesn’t have to be told about asymmetry or coached in its tactics: he grasps it more or less instinctively. Francis Marion figured out easily how to go about resisting the British with a ragtag band. The same was true of Nathan Bedford Forrest, The Wizard of the Saddle, who like Patton understood the importance of mobile strikes. Within their domain of war, they were successful because they surpassed others in tactful, direct knowledge within their domain field. Reality is One, & the same principles hold by analogies and correspondence, all the way up the hierarchy of existence. An archangel judging a nation is analogically (not perfectly but substantially) identical to a successful war lord who has studied Sun Tzu, or a Cromwell who knows it instinctively because he learned how to protect long-haired cattle on the upland moors. During WW2, Dion Fortune lead an esoteric resistance to their German counterparts which, obviously, paid dividends.

As Emmanuel Swedenborg might say, Truth causes life in the mind, just as water causes life on the land – and Truth must be incarnated as the symbol water, because the force of Truth is such as must “strike through” (or stamp) to the lower plane. Truth is to Mind as Water is to Land. But the analogy can be expanded. One might say that Truth is to Water as Water is to Land. Or ask how Mind and Water are related. The analogy expands by way of being fruitful. Someone who excels at warfare excels, not because they are necessarily a brute, but because they have savoir faire of the applicable analogies, and are capable of expanding them in a concrete way. Was this not the whole point of Sun Tzu’s book?

Thor Battering the Midgard Serpent

Most men (therefore) ignore asymmetry because they are one or two dimensional beings who do not grasp correspondences and analogies. Their mold is easy to break, & when it is done, so are they. When they believe themselves beaten, they are (de Maistre, H/T Cologero Salvo of Gornahoor).

Very few battles are lost physically. Battles are lost almost always morally; the real victor like the real loser is the one who believes he is. ~ Joseph de Maistre

Asymmetry is Proteus. If you are comfortable being abased or being abounded, and can locate yourself at any given moment within the Holon, up or down, left or right, or in between, you will begin to simply “see” asymmetry, which is an analogy that others miss. Our ancestors feared only God (or further back, the gods), and therefore men did not intimidate them nor circumstances whelm them. They had what Richard Weaver called, “unsentimental sentiment”, they saw a distinct inner world, and saw it whole. Our world is flat – asymmetry terrifies us. But there is a deeper asymmetry that can cure the fear of asymmetry on the physical plane, and imbue us with the direct, tactful inner knowledge which leads to success within any level of the Holon, including within warfare:

“Hierarchies are ‘dissectible’ into their constituent branches, on which the holons form the ‘nodes’. The number of levels which a hierarchy comprises is called its ‘depth’, and the number of holons on any given level its ‘span’.”
~ Arthur Koestler, The Ghost in the Machine

It is from this undiscovered country, wide and wild and deep, the high and eternal uplands of Tradition, from which, by personal journey and discovery, man must launch his stands in the world below it, the prime material plane. Someone who knows the reality of the Imaginal World will never be at a loss, to respond surprisingly, and from strength, whatever the circumstances “below”. He won’t have to study tactics and woodcraft (although it can help): he will know. Tolkien referred to the Imaginal world as “the road to the West”. Read Leaf by Niggle, for a 30 page tour de force, for Dante put into country English Cliff Notes. A man who knew that story “by rote”, could survive concentration camps and avoid Purgatory. What could mere man do to him? He might even save his country. 
Especially on the topic of war, everyone wants to rush to get “tactical”, yet let us approach this a little off balance, from the side. What we have brewing today is an actual Spiritual War, similar to what must have occurred (alluded to in Rudolf Steiner’s corpus of work) between the retrograde spiritual power of Turania vis a vis the “new” religion of Zoroaster in Iran/Persia. It is conducted on the physical plane, yes, including that, but it is not rooted in the physical plane. It was a battle between those who believed man could submerge himself or merge himself with the sub-human and those who were following the path that eventually lead to Monotheism and the Incarnation of the Logos

The primitive religion of the Turanians is called Shamanism because its distinctive feature is the agency of the Shaman, a wizard priest, whose services are required to influence the supernatural powers. Witchcraft predominates in this religion, it being the function of the Shaman to master all that in nature is hostile to man, to curb the elements, to conjure spirits, to produce health or disease, fortune or misfortune. The Shamanist operates mainly against demons, but he also believes in higher gods, whom he calls to his aid by means of prayer and sacrifice. Ancestor worship is, moreover, a characteristic feature of Shamanism. An important instrument in the rites of the Shaman is the drum, by means of which he can summon spirits, and compel them to give active assistance.

One can certainly see elements of this today in Neopaganism. And keep in mind, this may be the “cleaned up, Sunday best version”. Whether there is a legitimate and consecrated henotheism or not, it is certainly the case that Jesus was not a “shaman”, but represented (as avatar of avatars and the Logos) the presence of the higher “I”, whose presence banished all that is partial and incomplete in man, including a falling back into the “spirit world”. Oddly enough, the globalists and the shamanists share, to some large degree, the ideal of the endless multiformity of man and amnesia and allergy toward celestial hierarchy (an Eternal Circle with no Beatific Vision). This “merging” of man with Nature (without qualification) represents a “submerging” of man in his environment, visible and invisible. Although we affirm that Grace perfects, rather than obliterating “Nature” (and so wonder if there is a baptized and traditional Henotheism that knows how and when to bow in the temple of Rimmon, let the hearer understand), those who wish to define the higher realms of Super-Nature merely as extensions of the lower realms of Nature are falling into the old trap of TuranianismThis makes them better at shallow asymmetry, and much worse at deep asymmetry. They are savage, but cannot see the forest for the trees. 

Puccini’s opera contains a distant memory of this spiritual conflict.

This struggle we can say is between Malists and Benists, to avoid the connotations of literalness associated with Evil versus Good. One one side are those who, having lost all connection to the higher planes, are in formal defiance of them, for a long enough time, that they have been seduced into the dark dream of creating a “Heaven on Earth” using technology and power (and maybe, magic). If you believe any of the old legends, this happened to Atlantis, before the cataclysm. It’s an old, tired tale. Yet the cutting edge of Time must always be the interaction of the blade and the sculpture. 
Not seeing the height and breadth and depth of the Holon, many miss the forest for the trees. This is especially true in warfare, & the reason so many men try to frame a conflict with their ideology, rather than opening up to see the full scope of what is occurring. But this only makes the conflict more asymmetrical, since one side is fighting with blinkers on and a hand behind the back. Thus, we see many conservatives eschew Power and Force (conflating that with sheer Violence – yet their enemies argue exactly that). 
The resultant confusion makes this is a true “bush” war. It has emboldened and empowered the modern Turanians and Malists far beyond what one might have supposed during the halcyon days when the likes of Lord Curzon administered India. Spiritually speaking, it is all wild country, with irregular conflict and changing or moving targets of opportunity. This is because of the sheer scope and audacity of the attack: like World War II, it truly dwarfs the first dress rehearsal, and takes in practically all the nodes of this level in the holon. It may take up higher and lower levels.  What one needs now is the equivalent of a General Patton, a Nathan Bedford Forrest, a King Alfred, an Arminius
I wish to advance the case that the ability to wage asymmetric warfare & the ability to resist spiritually because one understands “asymmetry” within the Holon are, in fact, not unrelated, but rather can enhance each other
The Reader can determine how high up the food chain this goes, but certainly there are forces at work in the strange agendas of today, some of which may not be entirely human. It is not so much a judgement, as a Reckoning, as they say. A great many heads are on the chopping block. As they like to say tactically, “elements of our scout forces have made contact with enemy forces in strength”. The fog of war has descended – the outcome (in human terms) is uncertain. But why waste time studying Latin, reading Sun Tzu, or mastering medieval history or quarterstaffs? Why do anything else other than Fight, Fight, Fight? With cutting edge AI, cyber warfare or EMP technology, bioweapons or genetic weaponization, lasers and satellites, psy-ops or civilian surveillance, along with accruing political power? What possible help to tactics can an understanding of spirituality accomplish? 
Yet isn’t this pose, itself, an “Idea”? Look at it in your mind. And how would you evaluate it without being simply nerdy, or embrace it without simply being a compulsive meat-head? What is an Idea? Where is it in your Mind, & how did it get there? 
If you gain some sense of the inner scope of these types of questions, clearly all of this is a struggle of Ideas, if by Ideas, you understand them as the mental faces of invisible entities. 

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

This locus classicus defines asymmetry’s dimensions for Tradition. If Reality is a Holon, in which hierarchy is present not merely up and down, but even side to side, and at all points in the Holon, then one can say that a doctrine of asymmetry is rooted in the very nature of its existence. One has to reckon with horizontal hierarchies as well as vertical ones.  Clearly, self-knowledge and self-discipline render a distinct advantage, as Sun Tzu would aver, since (just as clearly), someone who lacks inner knowledge of the correspondences, analogies, and structure of the Holon would be utterly incapable of confronting Reality in anything other than a ham-fisted & futile manner. 
Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each “eye” of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering “like” stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring.

17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

18 may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height,

19 and to know the love of Christ, which surpasseth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19)

If the world’s greatest general says to win battles without fighting them (Sun Tzu), then surely politics is a continuation of warfare by other means (here we take Clausewitz’s dictum, understand it, & reverse it fruitfully: War is to Politics as Flood is to Rain – becomes – Politics is to War as Flood is to Rain. This process of reasoning analogically (often by moving terms around, including reversals), used to be standard equipment in the classical West. (See Scott Buchanan’s magisterial work Doctrine of Signatures.)
Is all of this too academic? Let us go back to Arma virumque cano. Here is Oliver Cromwell, surely no velveteen dandy-fop of a knight: 

Wee never charged but wee routed the enimie, the left winge which I commanded beinge our owne horse, savinge a few Scotts in our rear, beat all the Princes horse, God made them as stubble to our swords…‘I had rather have a plain, russet-coated Captain, that knows what he fights for, and loves what he knows, than that which you call a Gentleman and is nothing else.’

How many other war gods and generals might be proffered as evidence? Of the unity of tactics, & metaphysics? Napoleon & Cromwell both seemed to have grasped the importance of mobility – Napoleon with artillery, Cromwell with horse. But both possessed a mobility of mind that was extraordinary: it is no small thing to be free of one’s predilections, biases, prejudices. Their armies were mobile, because their Mind was mobile. Everyone else only sees it after they have “accomplished it”. 

Here, Cromwell used dragoons – fast-moving, mounted infantry armed with muskets – to fire on the royalists before staging his main attack. This tactic caused casualties among the ranks and killed officers, breaking up command and control within the royalist force.

Cromwell was also a consultative leader, who had formed strong relationships with his fellow soldiers, writing that he had consulted with one or more of his “faithfullest and most experienced Captains … we agreed to charge”.

His attack began at a “full trot” which then built up speed until his men were “charging fiercely”. His forces hit the royalists standing and broke the enemy in a manner borrowed from the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus, who had made Sweden a potent modern military power a few decades earlier. Cromwell then ensured the royalists remained in a state of confusion by pursuing them for two or three miles.

Just like German military tactical doctrine, it all seems to obvious in hindsight, yet is invisible to contemporaries. What is invisible to you, that you might see? 


Such victories have consequences. It was an absurdly lop-sided and risky victory at Gaugamela that meant the New Testament would be written in Greek, & not in Persian. 

Asymmetry works. And it isn’t random. (This article very properly points out that Strategy = Asymmetry and vice versa – in other words, it is not Chaos, but rooted in deeper order). 

Labeling only a certain segment of strategies as asymmetric risks obscuring the enormous real asymmetric advantages liberal democracies have over those insurgents who purportedly employ the asymmetric strategies. This practice threatens conceptually to detach asymmetric warfare from war and strategy by treating it as something else, and in doing so it contributes toward preventing the Western powers from fully and effectively employing force against weaker challengers, as the popularity of asymmetry in strategic literature is a self-reinforcing symptom of our diluted grasp on strategy. Asymmetry will ever remain strategy, and strategy will ever remain asymmetry.

The bolded area from the quote above is precisely my point – “asymmetry” has been popularized as a term & concept & “everyone knows what it is”: yet that very popularization completely obscures (by it’s false dichotomy with symmetry), the underlying strategic vision of the fully vertical, and fully horizontal (and if I may say it, the fully three dimensional) Holon. When a man like Sun Tzu sees it, he appears to be a demi-god of genius. What if he simply has a wisdom others do not? Because his Mind is formed in the extra dimensions and richness of the Holon’s fuller design, which others cannot see?

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecclesiastes 9: 11

Let us practice the asymmetry of locating ourselves upon the Holon, and pursue every fertile analogy which springs from this. (This, btw, is itself an asymmetrical tactic, one which the adversary or enemy cannot do, & cannot possibly understand: this “detachment” is, itself, a transcending of the conflict and changing of the playing field. Julius Evola alludes to as much in the Metaphysics of War & elsewhere: 

As in a mirror, he ‘looks at himself again and again before performing an action; he looks at himself again and again before saying a word; he looks at himself again and again before harboring a thought.’ It can easily be seen that by following such a path a man naturally transforms himself into a kind of living statue made up of awareness, into a figure pervaded by composedness, decorum, and dignity …

There is no necessity to accept enemy worldviews and definitions. We can redefine the battlefield in terms of asymmetry of Tradition (Symmetry), which is a much deeper and entirely complete Holon offered to man, than the largely two-or-one-dimensional one our Enemies use, however wildly barbaric and imaginative it is on that level. The infinite symmetry of Tradition implies a complementary asymmetric Holon (“as above, so below”), as analogies extend out in various directions. Not enough effort and energy and thought has gone into what this means, or even in noticing that it is there. 
The “Right” has not availed itself of legitimate Asymmetry, with rare exceptions. Accustomed, as it is, to operating openly and honestly and forthrightly, and largely triumphant in the cultural struggles from 500BC to 1500AD, it is not accustomed to (as they say in Brazilian jiujitsu) “fighting on their back”. Being mortals, we imperfectly embody the Tradition we represent, as well, and often accept enemy words and terms and definitions. Our knights too often mechanically fall into the cookie-cutter and cardboard stereotype of themselves. In the struggle that is brewing, we will have to rediscover the inner richness and depth of what Is. True knowledge of the enemy motivates us: 
Resistance is Futile! Your Cultural and Biological Distinctiveness will be assimilated to our own! 
They shouldn’t dismay us – being dismayed by the Enemy means you haven’t understood the Holon well enough yet. 
The tactics of the enemy are well known, if people would bother. If the mass of men can be made to doubt even their own eyes and minds and hearts, day by day, they “shut down” and become compliant. Their well meaning hope is that all will blow over. But the target and the threat is always changing – Public School ain’t what it used to be, and everyone remembers the one they went to…20 years ago. So they are using asymmetry, in that they are constantly moving goal posts, taking over older institutionsredefining words, etc. This is what Asymmetry looks like, used on behalf of Malism. It seems unstoppable, a Zombie wave of incessant, increasing, and senseless humiliation of anything that is “Other” to its ideology, which is basically all sentient spiritual life forms unlucky enough to be rooted in the physical plane. Anything openly symmetric (the intermediate institutions) is either steamrolled, or captured by Entryism to be assimilated and made into safe spaces for the Juggernaut machine to operate and its minions to occupy. Or so it seems. But is that really what is happening?  
Modernity is not an inevitable, but a flesh and blood organized apparatus, with real components and design. It may be animated with unholy power, poorly understood by those who harness it, but it is still subject to Nature and Nature’s Law, and old Father Time, not to mention the Celestial Hierarchy and God. Its roots, also, lie in the spiritual, and it is even more vulnerable there as well. 
Tactically & strategically it has very telling weaknesses. It’s greatest weakness is that it is not supremely powerful and triumphant as it appears or as it lies about itself to be. 
Ivan Ilyin has a very interesting book entitled On Resistance to Evil with Force, directed against Count Tolstoy’s “Gospel” formulation to “resist not evil” (a view, which by the way, entered into the global current and became dominant). 

It is clear that the more spineless and unprincipled the man is, the closer he is to this state and the more natural it is for him not to resist evil. And conversely, the less a person resists evil, the more he approaches this state, flouting his “beliefs” and shaking his own “character”. The non-resistor himself breaks the wall of his his spiritual Kremlin, he himself takes the poison from which the bones in his body soften. And it is natural that from non-resistance evil passion expands its dominance to fullness: chunks of passion, already ennobled, discard their garments of nobility and pour into a common rebellion; they no longer hold the line and barricade, but they themselves indulge in the former enemy and embrace evil with vivacity. The evil obsession becomes total and draws the soul on its own paths, according to its own laws. Obsessed with an evil passion, the non-resistor runs rampant because he himself has rejected all that restrains, directs and formulates: all his non-resisting force becomes the power of the most thunderous evil, and the breath of death feeds upon the cruelty of a most helpless demise. This is why the end of his frenzy in the end of his psychic and bodily existence: insanity or death…naturally, spiritually healthy people cause such a person only irritation and anger, and foment in him a sick love for power, in the manifestations of which flashes of megalomania inevitably alternate with outbursts of maniacal persecution….

He goes on to credit Tolstoy with rising above his own implications, but says that the struggle against evil cannot be entirely transferred to the “inner person”, in the sense of eschewing (Quaker-wise) all force or violence (which Ilyin calls “inducement”) as equivalent to evil. Or else we get Franz Fanon and Herbert Marcuse. The rest, we know. 
Ilyin wrote his book in exile. While “evil” may not exhaustively describe our opponents (made in the image of God), it does justice to their agenda & what they’ve made of themselves, which is based on Counter-Enlightenment or Inversion of Tradition, in order to achieve An Ape of God. It is more than mere Degeneracy, which has gone on for a long time, and will continue to do so, although certainly it has, like the proverbial day, definitely “had its day”. 
An Ape of God. Doesn’t that just sum it up? Thanks, Charles Darwin. Darwin, by the way, in his own words: 

‘Up to the age of thirty, or beyond it’, wrote Charles Darwin in his autobiography, ‘poetry of many kinds … gave me great pleasure, and even as a schoolboy I took intense delight in Shakespeare, especially in the historical plays. I have also said that formerly pictures gave me considerable, and music very great, delight. But now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry: I have tried lately to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me. I have also lost almost any taste for pictures or music…. My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of fact, but why this should have caused the atrophy of that part of the brain alone, on which the higher tastes depend, I cannot conceive. … The loss of these tastes is a loss of happiness, and may possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character, by enfeebling the emotional part of our nature.’ (page 64)
From EF Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful (H/T Cologero Salvo for introducing everyone to this author)

Our enemy is already defeated because they are demoralized and miserable. Yet, all in all, they will have to defeated in manifestation also. They will have to be constrained and compelled. Their agenda will not be stopped with protests, or letter writing, or voting on single issues. It will not be defeated by redefining degeneracy or incompleteness as the “Green” stage of healthy evolution (Ken Wilber), or an appeal to the “new ideals of the age of Aquarius” (although the procession of the astrological ages is indeed a reality). Yet you cannot transcend something merely on its own plane. You need the “interdicts” (Ilyin’s “inducements”). Modernity will be stopped the same way that Turania was stopped: by the application of judicious, well-timed, expert spiritual Force from another plane, which carries with it the possibility of unavoidable physical conflict in certain dangerous and crisis situations. Force in its origin has absolutely nothing to do with violence, although it is capable of employing it when absolutely necessary. 
What is “Force”? It originates from inside, from on high. Without it, violence is senseless. With it, violence is not strictly necessary. It is above all else, self understanding. Deep, true, inner self understanding in the Tradition is asymmetric because it encompasses the Cosmos, just as does the Holon which originated it, whose summit and apex or syndaretic scintilla, is God. Everything is relative to God. Common sense teaches that if one knows one’s self, one can then know the enemy better than he does himself. That is Force. Self-understanding. Francis de Vitoria went so far as to declare that one man can wage a war against the world, provided he has conscience on his side. It is Force alone that matters. This is what gave Rome the victory over Carthage, even after she was beaten. 

The Roman augurs and scribes who said in that hour that it brought forth unearthly prodigies, that a child was born with the head of an elephant or that stars fell down like hailstones, had a far more philosophical grasp of what had really happened than the modern historian who can see nothing in it but a success of strategy concluding a rivalry in commerce. Something far different was felt at the time and on the spot as it is always felt by those who experience a foreign atmosphere entering their own like a fog or a foul savor. It was no mere military defeat, it was certainly no mere mercantile rivalry, that filled the Roman imagination with such hideous omens of nature herself becoming unnatural. It was Moloch upon the mountain of the Latins, looking with his appalling face across the plain; it was Baal who trampled the vineyards with his feet of stone; it was the voice of Tanit the invisible, behind her trailing veils, whispering of the love that is more horrible than hate. The burning of the Italian cornfields, the ruin of the Italian vines were something more than actual; they were allegorical. They were the destruction of domestic and fruitful things, the withering of what was human before that inhumanity that is far beyond the human thing called cruelty. The household gods bowed low in darkness under their lowly roofs; and above them went the demons upon a wind from beyond all walls, blowing the trumpet of the Tramontane. The door of the Alps was broken down; and in no vulgar but a very solemn sense, it was Hell let loose. The war of the gods and demons seemed already to have ended; and the gods were dead. The eagles were lost, the legions were broken; and in Rome nothing remained but honor and the cold courage of despair.

Ilyin does an excellent job describing the character of our opponents (which, he notes, are potential “Us” or “Me”, if things were different, so the first opponent in asymmetric struggle is the lower self). His book was written to defeat Tolstoy’s spiritual stature among the ignorant, and he gave full credit and marks to Tolstoy for the spiritual accomplishments he possessed. That is Force. Tolstoy is better known today – but we can imagine a world in which Ilyin is better known tomorrow. That is how to apply the Force that he gives us with his insight.  
Curtis Yarvin, by the way, is doing yeoman’s work (despite his agnosticism) in tackling the problem of De-Leftification by way of the “opposite of a Revolution”. 
So the first lesson is self-control, to defeat the real opponent: ourself. This is the secret to our asymmetry, and the reason our’s (richness of the Holon) will triumph over theirs (Flat-World). One of the side effects of hubris and lust for power (libido dominandi), and forgetting yourself in the downward spiral. The secret behind why Evil, in the long run, will lose and lose bigly, as in, Big Enough to Go Down in the History Books (to be forgotten, in time, and lead to another Spiritual Combat), is that it has a lack of real memory. Our willingness to ignore the obvious initial acting advantage in lack of self-knowledge, to refuse to engage in immoral desires, to avoid the easy temptation of quick power or shallow symbolic victory, is the secret guarantee of our total victory. That, and that alone, will achieve thorough and eternal victory. It will go in the Akashic records, as they say. 
The fact that Evil will always rise (after a period of expulsion) is simply proof that the human state cannot change too terribly much on this plane, because it needs to be this way for the development of human souls. This demonstrates (again) that Tradition is totally vindicated. That should not discourage us, but rather invigorate our desire to see the Matrix unveiled and the Holon manifested
Asymmetry simply highlights the surprising outcomes when determined men manage to take a deeper Symmetry as fundamental. Yet it is as deep and high and wide as Reality, and therefore, asymmetry constantly makes its appearance when men forget themselves, that they are relative to God. 
Lost causes, hopeless sieges, failed Crusades, doomed resistances – these are not what they appear to be, because “history is not dead…it is not even past”. Not until we, until I, have learned everything there is to be nourished by. 
Did the Normans really conquer England? Or did England absorb the Normans? Is the gray ghost of the Confederacy really completely gone, or “in the mists”? This is behind the legend of the sleeping king in the mountain. The student of time and space and warfare (physical or spiritual), should get more comfortable with the asymmetry of the deep symmetry of the Holon. Whether doing tactics or strategy! He may find that the richness of the Holon is more interesting than the possibility of defeat or death. And it is that which gives Victory – Lady Fortune as the Bride. 

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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