…they are well adapted both for bodily exertion and foot-speed. In the prime of life, beauty lies in being naturally adapted for the toils of war… one who excels in both boxing and wrestling is fit for the pankration. But he who excels in everything is fit for the pentathlon. |
Aristotle, Rhetoric, c. 360 B.C.
Physical Training
-Physical training is a key component of templars past and present. Not only to meet the challenges faced by operations but in the transformation of the body through an act of will in service to a high calling. The foundation of the classical athletic training centered around the pentathlon: jumping, running, throwing discus and javelin and wrestling. With some modifications it still serves as a baseline for a modern order. Skill with a rifle would replace javelin throwing but training throws with a medicine ball or equivalent benefits physical combat. Training the main compound lifts, press, squat, and deadlift are undeniably useful for physical conditioning along with loaded carries and ruck marches. There is overlap here with the war systems that I will discuss at a later time this is to be expected as the systems are mutually supporting.
The rule of the Templars lists a basic outline of the basic diet of the Templars
- It should be sufficient for you to eat meat three times a week, except at Christmas, All Saints, the Assumption and the feast of the twelve apostles. For it is understood that the custom of eating flesh corrupts the body. But if a fast when meat must be forgone falls on a Tuesday, the next day let it be given to the brothers in plenty. And on Sundays all the brothers of the Temple, the chaplains and the clerks shall be given two meat meals in honour of the holy resurrection of Jesus Christ. And the rest of the household, that is to say the squires and sergeants, shall be content with one meal and shall be thankful to God for it.
- On the other days of the week, that is Mondays, Wednesdays and even Saturdays, the brothers shall have two or three meals of vegetables or other dishes eaten with bread; and we intend that this should be sufficient and command that it should be adhered to. For he who does not eat one meal shall eat the other.
- On Fridays, let lenten meat be given communally to the whole congregation, out of reverence for the passion of Jesus Christ; and you will fast from All Saints until Easter, except for Christmas Day, the Assumption and the feast of the twelve apostles. But weak and sick brothers shall not be kept to this. From Easter to All Saints they may eat twice, as long as there is no general fast
Some modifications should be made for the additional hazards that are found in modern processed food. Seed oils and refined sugars are innovations that are a likely contributor to some modern ills. Drawing from established supplementation will be helpful to fill any help related gaps.
The practice of fasting is a central feature to the monastic practice and abstaining and following a more traditional and rigorous practice of abstaining from food or eating vegan in accordance with the traditional times and forms of fasting on the Orthodox or Roman calendar will be followed.
Idle Hands
Each day have a plan and work hard from sun up to sun down. Work towards improving your skill at the Templar disciplines and pursue excellence in your particular profession There are of course times of rest and holidays but the Devil shouldn’t find you lazy.
This corner of digital space tends to draw introverts. Nevetheless it is important to refrain from idle and meaningless talk. The art of keeping a secret is also an important thing. More important is internal silence that transcends the verbal and extends to the mental and physical. Keep a composed physical state devoid of fidgeting and restlessness. Silence the chattering of your mind as it will drown out any promptings of the spirit that are trying to have their say.
Have a structured morning routing and pray the hours of divine office as is practical. Make time for prayer and meditation each day.
Control the promptings of lust that dwell in all of us. At its root desire drives existence but must be purified to be used in correct ends Sublimation is a true alchemical act that requires the fuel of our lower centers to operate.
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